Welcome to your station!
Play the role of the station master at your own railway station in rural Japan!
The game is currently in development. While the base mechanics have already been implemented, I'm now working on the contents to make the game to what it should be – a game in which you can build your very own railway station to your desire!

Make sure to follow the game's development process on Bluesky to not miss out on any updates!
Update: The game's Steam shop page is live! Wishlist the game now to support it and not miss out on the release!
Follow the development process
These are my current plans for the game. However, I would like to incorporate the opinion of the community into the development, so let me know what features you would prefer!
The major update interval is set to two months, whereas minor updates may be released inbetween to provide bugfixes and various improvements. Also, features listed in this roadmap may be rescheduled to an earlier or later update depending on the state of development.
Release 0.1 (June 2025) – Initial Release as Early Access on Steam
- Schedule management
- Passenger interaction
- Levelling / unlocking objects and items
- Staff & staff skill progression
- Construction system & buying plots
- Double-tracking
Release 0.2 (August 2025) – Länguage ウpdate
- Bugfixes based on player's (this is you!) feedback
- NPC/passenger code overhaul (performance improvements)
- Passenger feedback (like speech bubbles)
- Japanese and German language support
Release 0.3 (October 2025) – Platform Work Update
- Several game and GUI improvements
- Train dispatching (player or platform staff)
- Pushing passengers into crowded trains (player or platform staff)
- General staff behaviour improvements
- Schedule editor improvements
- Monthly expenses (maintenance fees) for station equipment
Release 0.4 (December 2025) – Rubbish Update
- Rubbish that appears throughout the station (to be picked up by player or cleaning staff)
- Lost items that appear throughout the station (to be picked up and brought to a ticket office by player or cleaning staff)
- Wear and breakage of station equipment (to be maintained and repaired by player or cleaning staff)
- Floors become dirty where passengers pass (to be cleaned with a broom or later by a buyable ridable cleaning machine (sounds like fun!))
- Equipment objects influence station stats (like more expensive/high-quality equipment results in better rating)
Release 0.5 (February 2026) – Infrastructure & RPG Update
- Platform doors and their operation through player or platform staff
- Elevators! (finally)
- Player skill-up system
- Lots of small improvements and fixes
Release 0.6 (April 2026) – Railway Update
- Track electrification and electric trains!
- Freight trains that need to pass through the station
Release 0.7 (June 2026) – City Update
- Cars & buses on streets
- More diverse (and more beautiful) buildings
Release 0.8 (August 2026) – Theme Pack Update
- Introduction of theme packs (allows for creating content packs, also on Steam Workshop)
Release 1 (October 2026) – Full Release (End of Early Access)
Select time mode at the start of a new game
Real-time mode where an in-game day lasts 24 real hours
- This way, more realistic timetables can be achieved and recreation of real-world stations is more fun for hardcode fans
- Something in-between for a more realistic, but still not too slow game progress
- Standard mode (as in the initial version)
- Possibility to turn off population change (like a sandbox mode for the builders)
Real-time mode where an in-game day lasts 24 real hours
- Scenario creation mode (like a creative mode where everything is available and does not cost money)
- Scenario selection at the start of a new game